There are many people to thank – first follows my funders, second a long list that gives you some sense of individuals and organisations who have helped this project.
The Authenticity’s Child research project was initiated with funding from The Anderson Dunlop Fund of the Scottish Medievalists, Historic Environment Scotland and The Centre for Scottish Studies, University of Stirling.

This seed-funding helped secure significant support for the developed research project from the Leverhulme Trust, through the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Scheme. From 29 September 2023 to 31 December 2024, I (Sally Foster) became a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow (SRF23\230226 and SRG2223\231611).

Culture Perth & Kinross has supported many dimensions of the research, and I have particularly benefited from the input and collaboration of Dr Mark Hall (Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Stirling).
With apologies for any omissions (let me know!), I thank:
- interviewees at multiple locations, centred around or connected with Edinburgh, Perth, Scone, Scone Palace and Westminster Abbey, including people associated with the events of 1996 (all here treated anonymously; named in publications where appropriate)
- participants at workshops, including friends of Scone Palace, Perth Women’s Collective, Culture Perth and Kinross Youth Collective, St Ninian’s Primary School, and members of the public who signed up for a workshop at Stirling University
- workshop collaborators – Perth Museum; Magic Torch Comics; Scottish Political Archive; Elisabeth Niklasson, University of Aberdeen
- For information, discussion, advice, support, images and even new photography:
- Nick Aitchison
- Arbroath Festival
- Arlington Bar, Glasgow
- Norman Atkinson
- Chantal Knowles (Auckland Museum)
- Graeme Black, Kevin Rutherford (BBC Archives)
- David Breeze
- Rachel Cartwright, Emrys Phillips (British Geological Survey)
- David Aimer, Nelson McCausland (British-Israel-World Federation)
- Barbara Hamilton, Ashleigh Hibbins, Nicola de Gouveia, Mark Hall, Katy Jack, J P Reid, Mollie Smout, VEA Team (Culture Perth & Kinross)
- Gerald McEwan (Edinburgh and Lothian and Borders Police Historical Association)
- colleagues on Perth Museum’s Expert Panel for the Stone of Destiny, chaired by Sir Mark Jones
- Corinna Annets, Karen Buchanan (Gairloch Museum)
- staff of Glasgow City Archives
- Alastair Dinmore (Glasgow Police Museum)
- Adrian Gilbert
- Anthony Lewis (GlasgowLife)
- Stuart Jeffrey (Glasgow School of Art)
- Lord McConnell of Glencorrosdale
- Jamie Hamilton
- Michelle Anderson, Emma Bowie, Steve Farrar, Iain Fraser, Ross Irving, Ranald Macinnes, Fionna McGregor, Colin Muir, Nigel Nairne, Rachel Pickering, Kit Reid, Kathy Richmond, Clara Molina Sanchez, Nicki Scott, Ruth Schieferstein, Richard Strachan, Lyn Wilson, Maureen Young (Historic Environment Scotland)
- Colin Hunter McQueen
- Richard Keltie
- Elspeth King
- Fiona MacKay (Lyon Office)
- Paul Bristow (Magic Comics)
- McCathie family, Queensland
- Rod McCullagh
- Iain McEwan
- Jim and Irene McGugan
- Colin Hunter McQueen
- Ewan McVicar
- Jinny Sheffield (Metaphor Design)
- staff of the National Library of Scotland
- Sam Alberti, Alice Blackwell, Calum Robertson (National Museums Scotland)
- Alison Lindsay and staff of the National Records of Scotland
- Lisa Potter (Perth and Kinross Council)
- Becca McClure (Perth Women’s Collective)
- Elizabeth Bissell (Queensland Museum)
- Elizabeth Quigley
- Ken Lawton
- Peter McGowan (T McGowan & Sons)
- Ian Geddie (Retired Police Officers’ Association, Edinburgh Branch)
- Elizabeth Roads
- Karen Lawson, Sally Goodsir (Royal Collection Trust)
- Gillian Edwards (St Ninian’s Primary School, Perth)
- Karen Donaldson (Scone Library)
- Elizabeth Bearn, Stephen Branagan, Lady Sophie Mansfield, Brian Stevenson, Viscount William Stormont (Scone Palace)
- James Hynd, Terri Thomson (Scottish Government: Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia; Protocol and Honours Team)
- Grant Thoms (Scots Independent)
- Ian Smith
- Scott Martin, Ross Colquhoun (SNP)
- Rosie al-Mulla, Scott FitzSimmons (Scottish Political Archive, University of Stirling)
- Kella Lawrinson (Society of Antiquaries of London)
- Nicola Wilson (Smith Museum and Art Gallery)
- Elisabeth Niklasson (University of Aberdeen)
- David Fergusson (University of Cambridge)
- Tom Yarrow (University of Durham)
- Dauvit Broun, Ewan Campbell, Aonghus MacCoinnich, Stephen Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
- Julia Smith (University of Oxford)
- staff of University of St Andrews Special Collections
- Sarah Bromage, Emma McCombie (Art Collection, University of Stirling)
- Vanicka Arora, Hanneke Booij, Alina Botezatu, Ali Cathcart, Scott Hames, Katie Illingworth, Kelsey Jackson Williams, Siân Jones, Jennie Morgan, Michael Penman, Liz Robson, Maria Velez Serna, Joe Smith (University of Stirling)
- Richard Welander
- Ruth Cohen, Christine Reynolds, Warwick Rodwell, Tony Trowles (Westminster Abbey)
- James Wilkinson (Westminster Abbey Review)
- Louise Wyllie
- Peter Yeoman
I enjoyed and benefitted from working with commissioned artists, Rosalind Bliss and Christina Unwin.
Staff at Calgary Herald, D C Thomson archives, Getty Images and Reach Publishing have been very helpful and efficient in procuring images.
Frances Fowler & Gerry McLaren, and Morag McCullagh, kindly provided accommodation during my travels.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this website are © Sally Foster.