AITCHISON, N., 2000. Scotland’s Stone of Destiny. 1st edn. Stroud: The History Press.

ASCHERSON, N., 2002. Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland. London: Granta.

CALDWELL, D., 2018. The Stone of Destiny. Updating the Scholarship. Edinburgh Castle Research. Unpublished report for Historic Environment Scotland.

CALDWELL, D., 2023. The Stone of Scone: the threshold of royal and ecclesiastical power. In: O.J.T. O’GRADY and R. ORAM, eds, Royal and Lordly Inauguration and Assembly Places in North-West Europe. Donington: Shaun Tyas, pp. 12-47.

DAVIDSON, C.F., 1938. The geology of the Coronation Stone. 9 (1929-1938), pp. 210-212.

FORTEY, N.J., PHILLIPS, E.R., MCMILLAN, A.A. and BROWNE, M.A.E., 1998. A geological perspective on the Stone of Destiny. Scottish Journal of Geology, 34(2), pp. 145-152.

HILL, P., 2003. The Stone of Destiny examined: an overview and discussion. In: R.D.E. WELANDER, D.J. BREEZE and T.O. CLANCY, eds, The Stone of Destiny. Artefact & Icon. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 11-31.

HILL, P., 2016. The Stone of Destiny: a review of new imaging. Unpublished report for Historic Environment Scotland.

MARCHANT, A., 2018. Romancing the Stone. (E)motion and the affective history of the Stone of Scone. In: S. DOWNES, S. HOLLOWAY and S. RANDLES, eds, Feeling Things: Objects and Emotions through History. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online, pp. 192-208.

PHILLIPS, E., MCMILLAN, A., BROWN, M. and FORTEY, N., 2003. The geology of the Stone of Destiny. In: R.D.E. WELANDER, D.J. BREEZE and T.O. CLANCY, eds, The Stone of Destiny. Artefact & Icon. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 33-40.

RODWELL, W., 2013. The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books.

ROLLASON, D., 2023. Stones and stone thrones in ‘Celtic’ and non-‘Celtic’ kingship across the middle ages. In: O.J.T. O’GRADY and R. ORAM, eds, Royal and Lordly Inauguration and Assembly Places in North-West Europe. Donington: Shaun Tyas, pp. 156-173.

STANLEY, A.P., 1868. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. London: John Murray.

WELANDER, R.D.E., BREEZE, D.J. and CLANCY, T.O., eds, 2003. The Stone of Destiny. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Publications arising from this project

FOSTER, S., 2023. Stone of Destiny Study. Westminster Abbey Review, 14 (Summer), 17-21.

MAGIC TORCH COMICS, 2024. The Stone of Scone. A Comic Origin Story

Other resources

You can interrogate an online Sketchfab digital 3D model: stone-of-destiny-edinburgh-castle-4d46d1df627d41a2adc65f6550b2fa9c

A Historic Environment Scotland webpage provides a handy historical overview: The Story of The Stone of Destiny (

In terms of the events of 1950/51, these short videos are interesting:

1951: Newsreel: Stone of Destiny | #OnThisDay 1951: Newsreel reported on the end of a long search for Scotland’s Stone of Destiny, missing since its removal from Westminster Abbey on… | By BBC Archive | Facebook

How I stole the Stone of Scone | In the late 13th Century, the Stone of Destiny, an ancient symbol of Scotland’s monarchy was seized and taken to Westminster Abbey in London where it… | By BBC World Service | Facebook

This recent video is made in Gaelic by a school child and imagines how the Stone felt when it was moved:

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