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FORTEY, N.J., PHILLIPS, E.R., MCMILLAN, A.A. and BROWNE, M.A.E., 1998. A geological perspective on the Stone of Destiny. Scottish Journal of Geology, 34(2), pp. 145-152.
HILL, P., 2003. The Stone of Destiny examined: an overview and discussion. In: R.D.E. WELANDER, D.J. BREEZE and T.O. CLANCY, eds, The Stone of Destiny. Artefact & Icon. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 11-31.
HILL, P., 2016. The Stone of Destiny: a review of new imaging. Unpublished report for Historic Environment Scotland.
HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND, 2024a. Statement of Significance. Edinburgh Castle – Stone of Destiny (An Lia Fàil). Edinburgh: Historic Environment Scotland. [Published 24 Nov 2024]
HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND, 2024b. The Stone of Destiny. Condition Assessment, Scientific Analysis and digital documentation 2023. Edinburgh: Historic Environment Scotland. [Published 24 Nov 2024]
MARCHANT, A., 2018. Romancing the Stone. (E)motion and the affective history of the Stone of Scone. In: S. DOWNES, S. HOLLOWAY and S. RANDLES, eds, Feeling Things: Objects and Emotions through History. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online, pp. 192-208.
PHILLIPS, E., MCMILLAN, A., BROWN, M. and FORTEY, N., 2003. The geology of the Stone of Destiny. In: R.D.E. WELANDER, D.J. BREEZE and T.O. CLANCY, eds, The Stone of Destiny. Artefact & Icon. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 33-40.
RODWELL, W., 2013. The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books.
ROLLASON, D., 2023. Stones and stone thrones in ‘Celtic’ and non-‘Celtic’ kingship across the middle ages. In: O.J.T. O’GRADY and R. ORAM, eds, Royal and Lordly Inauguration and Assembly Places in North-West Europe. Donington: Shaun Tyas, pp. 156-173.
STANLEY, A.P., 1868. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. London: John Murray.
WELANDER, R.D.E., BREEZE, D.J. and CLANCY, T.O., eds, 2003. The Stone of Destiny. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Publications arising from this project
FOSTER, S., 2023. Stone of Destiny Study. Westminster Abbey Review, 14 (Summer), 17-21.
FOSTER, S., 2024. ‘The Stone that just keeps on giving’, Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland 2024, 22.
SCOTS INDEPENDENT, ‘New lives for the Stone of Destiny’, December 2024, 9.
MAGIC TORCH COMICS, 2024. The Stone of Scone. A Comic Origin Story
Other resources
You can interrogate an online Sketchfab digital 3D model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/ stone-of-destiny-edinburgh-castle-4d46d1df627d41a2adc65f6550b2fa9c
A Historic Environment Scotland webpage provides a handy historical overview: The Story of The Stone of Destiny (historicenvironment.scot)
In terms of the events of 1950/51, these short videos are interesting:
This recent video is made in Gaelic by a school child and imagines how the Stone felt when it was moved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz-3yldxW1Q